Event Details
Target Audience
Insurance Brokers, and Agents, Insurance Professionals and Business Managers.
In this session, techniques will be explored to uncover the skills and knowledge required by Brokers to provide appropriate advice and services when advising clients and recommending placing business interruption insurance cover/ policies. This will be further illustrated by walking through "real life" business interruption insurance claims.
As an expert in the preparation of business interruption insurance (and property damage) claims, Rob Martin from MartinMinett Claims Prep will share his wealth of knowledge in this interactive session.
Key Take-aways
- Why Business Interruption (BI) insurance is important
- The Insurance theory behind BI insurance
- The main components of BI Insurance e.g. Gross Profit (GP)/ Revenue, Increased Costs (ICOW & AICOW/ Extra Expenses), Insuring Payroll (including Dual Basis Payroll Option), Determining Adequate Indemnity Period (IP), Considering MPL and MFL Scenarios etc.
- How to calculate GP declared values and adequately set other BI sub limits
- "Real life" Case study examples (based on real BI & MD Claims) โ with learnings from them.
At the conclusion of this event, you will have the opportunity to network and engage with other industry professionals.