National Insurance Brokers Association

The National Insurance Brokers Association is the peak representative body for the intermediated insurance industry in Australia.

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Event Details

PDTarget Audience

Insurance Brokers and Broker Claims staff


Join Anna Coticchio and Emma Roberts for a live introduction to CASI (Claims Assistant Supporting Intermediated) and discover how AI technology is simplifying and accelerating claims to enhance the experience for consultants and customers.

Anna and Emma will highlight the significant investments CGU is making to fulfil this promise, including predictive tools, enhancements to the Claims Portal, service uplift, and RAPID claims.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn about CGU's claims six key claims simplification priorities
  • Understand CGU's claims simplification strategy and how it will improve broker and customer experience
  • Learn about CGU's investment in digital capability to simplify and accelerate claims experience for brokers and staff
  • See a live demonstration of CASI AI technology and its benefits for CGU staff, brokers, and customers.

Event Details

Date: Thursday, 14 November 2024

Time: 2pm - 3pm (AEST)

Venue: Microsoft Teams

CPD: 1 Point (based on attendance records)


Anna Coticchio (Manager, Automation (Digital) & Continuous Improvement at CGU)

Anna Coticchio

Manager, Automation (Digital) & Continuous Improvement at CGU

Emma Roberts (Executive Manager, Claims Enablement at CGU)

Emma Roberts

Executive Manager, Claims Enablement at CGU

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